There are many reasons why RAGE Sitemap Automator will not find all of your web pages. The first thing to consider is whether or not your filters are too restrictive. Try adjusting them and re-scanning your web site.
Another common problem is your web page documents have extensions other than those listed in the 'Files To Scan' tab in the Preferences. Usually your web page documents will end in .html, but you could be using other extensions. Open the Preferences window and add any file extensions that you would like RAGE Sitemap Automator to scan.
Lastly, if RAGE Sitemap Automator does not find all the pages on your web site it is very likely that Google can not find them either and in this case, your web site is a perfect candidate for RAGE Sitemap Automator.
All you have to do to get these pages added to your sitemap is add them manually once the scanning is complete.
Often web pages will be linked using javascript or other ways in which it makes it really hard, or impossible, for any search engine to locate that page.
Once you add it manually with RAGE Sitemap Automator and submit it to search engines, you will be assured that search engines know about it. Search engines created the sitemaps program specifically for web sites that are built in this way.
If you have many pages that do not get listed, you do not have to list them all. Just list one that you know links to the other pages with regular anchor tags or through a more standard way than with javascript. Search Engines will most likely follow all these links on this page.
To add your web pages manually, scan your web site as you usually would. Once the scanning is complete, use the plus (+) button in the lower right hand corner to add additional links. You should be able to add many URLs in only a few minutes if needed.
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