There are a number of solutions that you should try before sending a bug report to us:
- Make sure that you are using the most up to date version of our software. You can view the current versions of any of our software on our Products Pages.
- If you are getting a crash on launch the most likely cause is an installation problem. You may have received a message saying you do not have permissions to copy the application to your applications folder. This will happen if you had a previous version installed and it is currently opened. To fix this problem, simply quit all open versions of the software and re-install your download.
- Many times simply restarting the computer can fix these issues.
- Try deleting the preferences file or preferences folder. You can find the preferences for our software in the Preferences. On Mac OS X the preferences files are located in username/Library/Preferences/ or username/Library/Application Support/. These are hidden directories by default on Mac OS X so the folliowing steps can you be used to find these directories.
- The preferences file will have a name like com.ragesw.productname.xml. For example, Sitemap Automator's preferences file is named 'com.ragesw.googlesitemap.xml' and WebCrusher's preferences file is named 'com.ragesw.webcrusher.xml'.
- Quit the application you are having issues with
- To access them go to the Finder and then the menu bar at the top of your screen and select the Go menu and then 'Go To Folder...'
- Enter the following into the dialog that appears: ~/Library/Application Support/
- Look for a folder with the Application name such as EverWeb, Sitemap Automator etc...
- In that folder will be the .xml preferences file. You can remove that from the folder and the Preferences will be reset when you re-launch. You will have to renter all preferences and registration data
- Try Downloading the program again from our website. It could of likely been corrupted while downloading. You can download the most recent versions of our software from the Products Page. Make sure that before you install the software, no previous version is opened on your computer.
- There could be a third party conflict with your computer and the software. To determine if there is a porblem, you should restart your Mac in safe mode and try to use the software. If you do not experience any issues, this helps us determine that there is some system extension or setting that is causing problems. This is a common trouble shooting technique. To start up your Mac in safe mode, follow these steps.