To add SPAM protection using reCaptcha to your Contact Forms you need to have a Google account and you need to generate the proper keys to Enter into EverWeb.
- Follow this link to sign up or login to your Google Account and then get taken to the reCaptcha admin page to create a new API key:
- You must fill out this short form with your details
- For the Label enter any text you want to use to recognize this site
- From the 'reCAPTCHA type' section select reCAPTCHA v2
- Then select '"I'm not a robot" Checkbox' (the default option)
- Add the domains you will be publishing to (in the format of
- Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service
- Press Submit
- On the following page copy the two API Keys into the Inspector->Widget Settings in EverWeb for your contact form SPAM protection fields
Once you publish your site online you will see the reCAPTCHA checkbox.