By default, every email account gets 250MB of file space. This means that the size of all emails and file attachments can't be more than 250MB. if they are, people who email you may get a bounced back email telling them the email account is full.
You can prevent this from happening by;
1. Regularly deleting email that you no longer need, especially ones with large file attachments
2. You can increase the space available to your email account by;
a) Logging into your client area
b) Go to Sevices->My Services and click the 'View Details' button
c) Click the Email Accounts button on the next page and adjust the size for the email account*
* Remember, you still only have a maximum file size that depends on your EverWeb + Hosting account (for example 2GB or 10GB etc... depending on the size of your account)
3. You can follow the 'Setting Up Your Custom Email Address in Gmail' video to use Gmail to store your email which can give you up to 15GB of email space. With this option you can still use your email address and your email receiptants will never know you are using Gmail for email.
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