Viewing Please check and improve. When I edit the Styled Text for the Object in Frex Box, it is ignored and not reflected.

Please check and improve. When I edit the Styled Text for the Object in Frex Box, it is ignored and not reflected.

User: Adrian C. 4 months ago
Hi Paul, did download 3.5 beta version via thread but '3.5 beta version has expired'.
User: Adrian C. 4 months ago
Hi Paul, did download 3.5 beta version via thread but '3.5 beta version has expired'.
User: Paul-RAGESW 4 months ago
Hi Paul, did download 3.5 beta version via thread but '3.5 beta version has expired'.

Yeah, the beta version will no longer work here. You can login to your client area and download the latest version that works for you upgrade & support plan, or renew your license to get the latest version. Go to the Support menu->Downloads

EverWeb 3.5 is very old as well.

EverWeb Developer
User: Adrian C. 4 months ago
Hi Paul, Any chance for a free upgrade as this feature FlexBox Widget never worked in in my full version? As a good will gesture. You were never able to edit text within it. I'm now left with a half completed charity website expecting to complete it but can't due to a feature that is faulty, was never properly tested, and went to market.

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