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Adding mp4 Video?

User: billbd007 11 years ago
Anyway to add mp4 Video to play in a page?
User: Paul-RAGESW 11 years ago
Right now you are encouraging the use of via the Youtube widget as this ensures the video is compatible with all browser and mobile devices.

EverWeb Developer
User: Roddy 11 years ago
Adding an MP4 to a web page using the HTML5 video tag is very straightforward. The problem is that the video won't play in older versions of Firefox unless you add an OGG file and in Internet Explorer unless you have a player that falls back to flash.

Media players like Flowplayer, JW and VideoJS have come a long way to simplifying the process of creating a media player that will work in all browsers and on mobile devices. They still require a little knowledge to implement successfully.

This test site has examples of all of the above created in EasyWeb...

If nothing else, they will prove the wisdom of sticking with YouTube as Paul has recommended unless you have intermediate skills or are prepared to learn some.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Christopher 11 years ago
Oh boy. I'm a filmmaker and I'll soon be building a portfolio-type website to showcase my work. With iWeb, I just uploaded H.264 and mp4 videos. I added a link to Quicktime for those that didn't have it. Can I not just do the same with EasyWeb? YouTube is not an option for me. In some cases, like now, I'll be using this site to show a rough-cut to broadcasters.

Also, at some point, I'll have to figure out whether I can password-protect individual movie-clips.



rMBP 15", 2.6 Ghz, 16 GB RAM, OS X 10.11.6, with 27" Thunderbolt Cinema Display
User: Paul-RAGESW 11 years ago
Hi Chris,

Why isn't youtube or an option for you?

EverWeb Developer
User: Roddy 11 years ago
For me, Vimeo is a far better option than YouTube and you can find out about the privacy options here...

Here's an example of how you can add Vimeo to EasyWeb...


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Guest 11 years ago
To be truly useful the easyweb software needs the ability to independently include video. Youtube and vimeo linking is not always an option although I appreciate your concerns re video formats. I also agree with a previous comment regarding password protection for some pages would be useful. I make corporate films for a living and a password protected client viewing area for rough cuts is essential. Hope you can at least sort the video player after all iweb had one! PS really like the rest of the software v easy to use many thanks
User: Roddy 11 years ago
iWeb's video player depended on the QuickTime plugin which a lot of visitors - especially in the corporate and educational environment - don't have.

Christopher says, "I added a link to Quicktime for those that didn't have it".

Again, those in the corporate and educational environment aren't allowed to just download software if they feel like!

In any case, what kind of webmaster would expect their potential clients to download extra software just because he/she couldn't be bothered to learn how to implement movie playback? If movies are your business then this is something you should know how to do - or pay someone to do it for you.

Client videos can be uploaded to a password protected directory on the server and will play in the browser when the link to the file is clicked. The client would be given a link to a particular video file and would be required to enter a password to open the directory.

If your clients are using a modern browser then HTML5 playback is the way to go. I'm sure there will be a widget for that soon and, until then, the code required is really minimal and simple and movie making webmasters should be familiar with the various formats required and how to convert to them.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Paul-RAGESW 11 years ago
Youtube and vimeo linking is not always an option although I appreciate your concerns re video formats

Can you please provide examples of when youtube or vimeo aren't an option for you?

Video playback on the Web, especially the way iWeb did it, will not work for most people viewing your website. There are a lot of things to consider with video playback.

Specific examples of what you need would help us plan features and provide the right solutions for you.

EverWeb Developer
User: Christopher 11 years ago
Youtube and vimeo linking is not always an option although I appreciate your concerns re video formats

Can you please provide examples of when youtube or vimeo aren't an option for you?

Video playback on the Web, especially the way iWeb did it, will not work for most people viewing your website. There are a lot of things to consider with video playback.

Specific examples of what you need would help us plan features and provide the right solutions for you.
Thanks for all the responses. Unfortunately, I've been busy editing this week so haven't yet had time to really dig into EasyWeb or look into the various options. But I do hope to be on it next week. So from an admittedly uneducated, early-morning perspective, my concerns have to do with both privacy and YouTube/Vimeo 'uploading copyrighted material' rules (for example, some of the music hasn't been licensed yet). Ideally, I'd like to provide a page for the rough-cut with a password protected link to the movie, then give potential broadcasters/distributors the password, and once in, offer them streaming or download options (ala the Apple Trailers site, before it was changed).

The other issue with uploading to YouTube/Vimeo is that they recompress footage that has already been compressed. I'd prefer to have total control over the quality of the end product.


rMBP 15", 2.6 Ghz, 16 GB RAM, OS X 10.11.6, with 27" Thunderbolt Cinema Display
User: dan y 11 years ago
Before I retired I was a DP working in Los Angeles and have all the same thoughts for the presentation of video. There are times when it's more important to have total control than it is to have compatibility.
User: Roddy 11 years ago
Earlier in this topic I mentioned that client files can be uploaded to a password protected directory. It never occurred to me at the time that, so far, EasyWeb offers no way of doing this and we can't do it ourselves because we can't get into the server files to set it up.

I have posted a feature request...

Better late than never!


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: pumpkin 11 years ago
Wait, THE Roddy ([url=]Less Features Please![/url:18x93nd6]) posted a feature request? What's the world coming to? ;)

new to web design
My websites: Vocal Affairs // Singkehlchen
User: Roddy 11 years ago
It's kind of necessary since we can't get into the EW server to do it ourselves.

I don't need it because I don't have any secrets!


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Roddy 11 years ago
I had never actually tried inserting HTML5 video in EasyWeb using the assets folder. Its ridiculously easy even without a widget...

Its actually a better idea to play movies using a single MP4 with flash fallback for Firefox and older versions of IE. The widget would have less spaces for the EasyWeb user to fill in and they wouldn't be faced with the added task of creating the different file formats required.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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