Viewing EverWeb 3.5 Beta: Site Search, Faster Overall Performance, Responsive Row Improvements

EverWeb 3.5 Beta: Site Search, Faster Overall Performance, Responsive Row Improvements

User: Paul-RAGESW 3 years ago
A new beta is linked at the top here. Lots has changed since the first version above.

This version can be downloaded from the link in the top post above.

- Fixed german translation in the search widget
- Fixed issue with opening older projects with widgets that use non latin characters
- Fixed issue with Responsive Row object alignment that has a maximum width and a maximum content width
- Fixed navigation bar menu enabling/disabling some of the settings
- Fixed some issues with the styled text field and mouse scroll wheel in the inspector
- Fixed issue with converting page to directory and the project file not saving properly
- Fixed wrong check box color in the inspector in Light Mode
- Improved error checking
- All Around speed improvements
- More information error messages on FTP failed uploads
- Fixed some possible crashes
- Fixes the search feature which would not work when using the pop window or the drop down menu while in a sub directory
- Fixes the scrollbar in the inspector
- Fixes the Assets List in most widgets that use it causing the widget to have to update when switching between rows
- Fixes the black text in the inspector in Dark Mode
- Fixed the SEO PowerUp add-on not remembering its selection for EverWeb Standalone users
- Optimized search code

EverWeb Developer
User: Ole V. 3 years ago
Hi, how far is 3.5 from being released? Thanks in advance.
User: Paul-RAGESW 3 years ago
Quote: Ole V. - 02/04/2021 15:28:27
Hi, how far is 3.5 from being released? Thanks in advance.

Very soon. The current delay is regarding a site refresh with the new logo. The beta here is very well tested though.

EverWeb Developer
User: Jacob C. 3 years ago
Does it include the fix to the accidentally dropped previous feature of Shift-Option which would provide useful info on the exact distance between objects? Thanks.
User: wellnl 3 years ago
Hi Jacob

I checked in my beta for EverWeb 3.5 and Shift-Option is showing the distance between objects :)
User: Paul-RAGESW 3 years ago
We just posted a new update at the link above to EverWeb. It is now M1 Native! You should so significant speed increases if you are using an M1 Mac. It will still work natively on Intel Macs too.

Other Changes
- Select color button now copies colors properly with the right click->Copy function
- Option to not use jQuery from Google servers and only load it locally
- Fixes to the search widget
- Improved localizations
- Assets used in blog posts can now be found with the Find Page Using Asset feature
- Render error icon for widgets when their preview can’t be generated due to widget coding errors
- RSS widget improvements for when images can’t be found in a feed. The widget will still properly preview
- Shadow settings now work for widgets and when exporting responsive rows

EverWeb Developer
User: Ingo P. 3 years ago
Wow! That's a really good one (Option to not use jQuery from Google). But what do I have to do? I already clicked the checkbox on the bottom of the first page, but on the published site it still uses Google. Do I have to place a copy of jQuery in 'External files'?

cheers, Ingo
User: Paul-RAGESW 3 years ago
Hi Ingo,

You have to go to File->Edit Publishing Settings and then scroll down until you see the option to 'Use local copy of jquery only"

Then go to File->Publish Entire Website

Let me know how it goes.

EverWeb Developer
User: Ingo P. 3 years ago
Grrrr ... entire site ... Thanks!

cheers, Ingo
User: Roddy 3 years ago
With this latest update all my widgets are showing as a folder in the Finder rather the proper widget icon.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Paul-RAGESW 3 years ago
The latest published update will fix the widgets and projects as folders issue.

EverWeb Developer
User: Adrian C. 4 months ago
Hi Paul, did download 3.5 beta version via thread but 3.5 beta version has expired.
User: Paul-RAGESW 4 months ago
Hi Paul, did download 3.5 beta version via thread but 3.5 beta version has expired.

Yeah, the beta version will no longer work here. You can login to your client area and download the latest version that works for you upgrade & support plan, or renew your license to get the latest version.

EverWeb 3.5 is very old as well.

EverWeb Developer

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