EverWeb 4.0.1 is now available with some imprortant fixes. If you have upgraded to EverWeb 4, we recommend this update for all users.

You can download this update from the Downloads Page or use the Check for Update feature within EverWeb.

Bug Fixes in EverWeb 4.0.1:

Blog Performance: We've made improvements to ensure typing on large blog posts (with lots of text and images) is smoother with minimal typing delays.

Widgets and Assets: Widgets that had issues with Asset lists are now functioning properly.

Publishing Stability: Fixed an unexpected crash when publishing websites with mouse-over transitions.

Website Preview: The Previous/Next links will now function correctly when you're previewing your website.

Flexbox Text Editor: For a more comfortable editing experience, the Flexbox styled text editor now has a larger height.

Text Exporting as An Image: The issue where text wasn't exporting correctly as images has been resolved.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

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