Viewing Making spacers between objects in a Responsive row?

Making spacers between objects in a Responsive row?

User: Ben L. 9 days ago
Apologies. I'm coming back to Everweb after a long break.

I know you've shown me the trick before. I want to make spacers between my objects. But I don't want to use the 'Inset Margin' because it adds space both laterally and horizontally. I don't want the 'horizontally'.

Do I just add blank text boxes without 'text', or shapes without 'fill'?

Or is there an Everweb convention I've forgotten?

All ears, Ben
User: EverWeb Support 9 days ago
Hello Ben,

Just to be sure, is your website of responsive type or is it using a centered layout? I am assuming it would be a responsive site on my response:

Since you only want the vertical padding, you can use a responsive row inside of your objects and use the "Top" and "Bottom" settings by clicking on the Gear/Cogwheel icon (last item on the inspector) while selecting a responsive row. This will add top/bottom space.

As you mentioned, you can also use shapes, althouigh I'd recommend using the responsive row as it has that capability built in.

Hope this helps!

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Ben L. 9 days ago
Hi Admin, I think I made myself perfectly unclear. Oops. My bad. Yes, a responsive site. I want to be able to control the spacing on either side of an object. Meaning I want to control the distance between the objects (but not change the spacing at the top and bottom). So is there another way besides using 'shapes' as spacers? (The Top and Bottom controls are great, it's the sides that are throwing me off .. the 'Inset Margin' adds space on top, bottom, and sides, and I just want sides ...

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