Viewing Additional Animations for elements, buttons and shapes and text

Additional Animations for elements, buttons and shapes and text

User: Ryan M. 28 days ago
Hi EverWeb Team,

Can you add the option to add animations across EverWeb that are interactive e.g. on mouse hover or on scroll, or on click?

Can you add the option to add animated background colours/gradients to buttons and shapes?

Can you add the option to add ainimated border colours/gradients?

Examples would be:
Similar to your animations now (which are pretty great) could they be triggered by the above instead of limited by a timer & number of repeats? This would make the sites built with EverWeb more interesting and reactive to the user.

The 2nd request is to make buttons & shapes more interesting/backgrounds more interesting. E.g. buttons where the gradient is continuously changing/moving. This is especially helpful for call to action buttons like 'Book Now'.

The 3rd reuqest is similar to 2nd, so essentially the same but to add cooler more intesting borders to buttons & shapes. Or borders which have an animation upon mouse hover.

Some inspiration:

I'm aware that EverWeb has custom CSS, which may be able to do this? Just I have no idea how to do that. If the above is too challenging for EverWeb, could you perhaps do some tutorials on custom CSS with examples that we could use/copy in our own projects? Having something built in would of course be preferred.

Finally - just for reference, why (i'm assuming) is something like this hard to implement/not already in EverWeb? I see other platforms have this kind of stuff already.

Kind regards,
User: EverWeb Support 28 days ago
Hi Ryan,

Thanks for your suggestions! We’re always working on improving EverWeb, and we’re currently working on new animation features that will be available in upcoming updates. As for why these aren’t in EverWeb yet, we focus on keeping the platform user-friendly while providing more customization options, but we’re always working on new improvements.

We’ve also opened a new ticket for your CSS implementation request and will be happy to help you with that.

EverWeb Customer Support
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