Viewing Everweb should grow do some marketing!
Everweb should grow do some marketing!
User: Boris K. one month ago
It's hard to find any information about Everweb. When you talk about it people are like what is that? You look on youtube for Everweb nobody talks about it and there are no videos about it except from the Everweb channel. I would suggest to do a bit more on the Everweb marketing. Maybe sponsor some creators so that they can make some commercials for you guys. Also a referral program is a idea? This way you will reach more users and the community will grow . More users, a more professional software and also more sales. When the number of users grow there will be more likely also more enthousiasts who will start making their own widgets and templates. Last edit one month ago |
User: EverWeb Support one month ago
Hi Boris, Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. We appreciate your input regarding our marketing efforts and the idea of sponsoring creators and implementing a referral program. We will certainly consider these suggestions as we continue to look for ways to grow our community and improve our software. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. ------------------------------- EverWeb Customer Support Submit Tickets or Learn More |
User: Ryan M. 29 days ago
Hi EverWeb Team! I hope you're well! I want to say I support you guys and agree with Boris. I've been a long-time user of Everweb for small business projects and my own DJ Hire website. I'm still using it today for some newer (hopefully bigger) business ventures. It is a great tool and in my opinion serves a niche in its space which almost no other Web Design services offer today - Offline built ability. For example the cloud based giants like Squarespace, and Wix you need to be online to work on your site, where as with Everweb you can work on a train, and plane, and anywhere you like and then publish your changes later on - no internet required. This should be one of your unique selling point in your marketing. (think about it, many people now work remote, work on holiday, work whilst on the toilet ;) - or that may just be me) My recommendations for your marketing: - Get as many website building comparisions written as possible, even if you have to write them yourselves / get cheap labour from Fiverr to do this for you. E.g. "Top 5 website builders 2025" "Top Mac web design software 2025" "Best Website buildings 2025" "Wix alternatives" "Best Squarespace alternatives" "Best Wordpress alternatives" etc etc - and get yourselves on those lists. That way you will get seen more. - Do social media marketing / influencers - You/a creative agency can pay around $150 for a whole day of filming short videos about EverWeb and the gradually post them online. I can recommend a company in uk called Made In London to help you with this - they mostly do TikTok if you want a young audience. - Do Youtube video comparisons too - find out which youtubers & techy's are making videos about web design software and see how much it is to get a review done by them, or get yourselves on a list. Again - you could hire someone on Fiverr to simply contact all these people for you and see who's interested within your budget. I'm sure there is more, but I think the days of your USP being an 'I-Web' alternative are behind the times now. And - sorry if you are marketing and we just haven't seen it :D Good luck guys and keep up the good work! Kind regards, Ryan |
User: Ryan M. 29 days ago
Also - 100% back the referral programme! You could email your currect customer base 1. to find out where they recommend you advertise or for ideas / feedback (a survey), and 2. Offer them $25 every time they get someone to sign up for everweb. There must be a platform out there to help you track referrals and make auto payments. Good luck. | |
User: EverWeb Support 29 days ago
Hi Ryan, Thanks a lot for the kind words and support! We're really glad you're enjoying EverWeb! We appreciate your marketing ideas and suggestions, we will definitely keep them in mind. It’s awesome to get feedback like this from our users, it really helps us grow and improve! We hope we can continue to assist you as your business grows, and thanks again for being part of the EverWeb family! ------------------------------- EverWeb Customer Support Submit Tickets or Learn More |
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