Viewing How do I write (and preserve) web pages that have backslashes in the text?

How do I write (and preserve) web pages that have backslashes in the text?

User: Andrew B. 2 months ago
Whenever I write a page that contains a backslash anywhere (for example in a path C:Temp), the backslash disappears when I open the page again to look at it or edit it. The next time I upload the site, the published page also lacks the backslash (and a few following characters, depending on which escape code it reads, apparently).

When I escape the backslash, one backslash disappears the first time I re-open the page, the second appears the second time, the result is the same.

How can I create and preserve web pages that contain backslashes?

At the moment EverWeb is useless to me because of this.

I created a ticket but it was closed without comment and the new version did not fix the bug.
User: Andrew B. 2 months ago
And there we go, the backslashes disappeared here in the forum post to. There was one between C: and Temp as well as a few times behind the word "backslash". Same bug in the forum software...
User: Andrew B. 2 months ago
Previous line are four symbols, guess which one vanished.
User: EverWeb Support 2 months ago
Hi Andrew,

We apologize for the ticket getting closed. It was automatically closed by the system, but we will ensure it remains open.

This issue has already been reported to our technical team, and they are currently investigating it. We will update you through the support ticket as soon as we have more information.

EverWeb Customer Support
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