Viewing Calendar field option not to be pre-populated

Calendar field option not to be pre-populated

User: Steve G. 8 months ago
Could I ask that it be considered to provide an option to turn off the automatic insertion of the date in the calendar field in the contact form?

I appreciate it is useful in many circumstances, but it can be unhelpful. I'm using it to take appointments for viewing property. I need a little time between getting a request and a possible appointment time. I believe that having the current date pre-populated may lead some users to believe they can make an appointment the same day, despite me doing my best to point out they can't.

Ideally, I'd like to see the time and date included in the same field, with past dates and times dynamically removed and the ability not just to block out certain days but also certain times on certain days. I appreciate this might be asking for a lot, so for now, I'd be happy if the date weren't automatically filled in on the calendar field.
User: EverWeb Support 8 months ago
Hi Steve,

I have forwarded your request to our technical department to see if it is possible to implement this feature.

In any case, thank you for the feature suggestion

EverWeb Customer Support
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