Viewing Contact form SMTP settings

Contact form SMTP settings

User: Steve G. 8 months ago
I'm struggling to set up the SMPT settings for contact forms. I've tried several email accounts, including my Apple and Google ones. I've purchased the enhanced add-on. I appreciate I can use the Everweb server, which has some features I'd like, but I would prefer the emails come from my (Google) address if I can get this to work.

With the Apple ID, I used my @icloud address. This is not the primary address for the ID, but I don't believe that's the issue. I used along with ports 465 (and 587) and various combinations of these and SSL/TLS, but nothing worked.

I then created an app-specific password and used 465/SSL. At this point, the address I'd entered to send the email was a different address (my Google address), and when I ran a test email, it said the address the email is sent to should be the same as for the server details. I changed it to my @icloud address, and it successfully sent a test email.

Ideally, I'd like to receive emails at my Google address, but it's no big deal if it doesn't. However, I thought I'd mention it since I understood with the add-on pack that I was supposed to be able to send the email to a different address, and I wondered if this might be relevant to the larger issue I'm having.

While I was initially successful in sending a test email using these settings, I was unable to get things to work on my published website, and each time, I got the message "Could not send an email: Can't connect to ssl:// error: Connection timed out".

Additionally, after a few successful test emails, these, too, stopped working, and I received a message telling me to check my username and/or password.

Before trying my cloud account, I had tried using my Google account. I used along with ports 465 (and 587) and various combinations of these and SSL/TLS, but nothing worked. My Google account is a paid account and, therefore, isn't a @gmail address. I'm inclined to think this shouldn't matter, but so as to exclude the possibility, I did create a free @gmail address but couldn't get this to work either.

For the time being, I'm pressing ahead using Everweb as the server, but if anyone can shed any light on why things aren't working for me, please let me know.
User: EverWeb Support 8 months ago
Hello Steve,

My apologies for the inconvenience when using the contact form.

We've opened a support ticket for you so we can help with setting up the contact form, as we'll need some screenshots and extra information.

Last edit 8 months ago

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