Viewing Need to Set Up an E-commerce Site

Need to Set Up an E-commerce Site

User: Les C. 4 months ago
I don't see any viable e-commerce options in EW other than a very limited PayPal or Stripe widget.

Is it possible to integrate an app like OpenCart or PrestaShop? Most people seem to use Woo, which is not EW friendly.

User: EverWeb Support 4 months ago
Hi Les,

Currently, there are no native widgets for OpenCart or PrestaShop, so if these platforms can provide you with 'embeddable' HTML code, you can easily integrate it by using the HTML Snippet Widget.

For this, you would need to:

1. Add an HTML Snippet widget to your page.
2. Select the widget and go to Inspector > Settings > HTML Code.
3. Paste the code provided by them in the code area.
4. Scroll down and click the 'Apply' button.

This will let you integrate any HTML code they provide in your page.

Kindly note that you can always open a ticket in if you have any specific questions.

Best Regards,

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Paul-RAGESW 4 months ago
Hi Les,

In addition to include any type of store using the HTML widget, we also have a number of e-commerce tutorials and integration with third party services on our videos page

EverWeb & eCommerce Store Solutions

EverWeb Developer
User: Les C. 4 months ago

Thanks for the follow up. What I'm looking for is a solution that will not cost me $30+ per month AND allow me to customize an online store to fit the look of my EW site. The current EW e-commerce solutions seem best suited for people selling single items and who don't have strict aesthetic compliance requirements with the rest of their site.

This is my first e-commerce site, so there is a learning curve. Ideally, I would like to use EW for the site if I can do it without a lot of coding, i.e., PayPal or Stripe developer integrations. If I can't pull it off, it looks like the majority of people out there with similar needs to mine are going with WordPress for the site and Woo for the e-commerce integration.

I'll do a follow up post if I can come up with something that will benefit other EW users.

User: Les C. 4 months ago
OpenCart and PrestaShop have turned out not to be viable options. These solutions work best when working with a native OpenCart or PrestaShop native shop.

A friend had suggested Snipcart as a possible way to integrate—unfortunately, there are significant monthly fees.

Stripe's coding requirements are way above my pay grade, so they are out.

I'm back to doing a PayPal "Advanced" integration. It seems to check all the boxes, but the coding requirements may be too demanding.

I know there are a lot of people out there needing an e-commerce solution. I will get back with my findings.

Last edit 4 months ago
User: Les C. 3 months ago
PayPal Advance turned out to be overwhelmingly difficult to do. Unless you are a working developer, this is not an option for anyone wishing to add a commerce portal.

Since EverWeb (EW) is essentially only able to easily integrate "permalinks", i.e., PayPal buy links for individual products or services (you cannot have a cart system in this environment, which for me is a no-go), I have opted to go with WordPress (WP).

WordPress (, not is a free web building app. I've integrated a free plugin called Woo Commerce for the e-commerce portion. Integration was relatively quick and easy. I did in minutes what I attempted to do in days with PayPal Advance and EW.

The challenge, however, is the learning curve of WP. It's not intuitive like EW. There are also only online resources—no direct customer support options. This main issue here is WP recently transitioned to a "block" system. It's a rewrite to their interface and there are currently limited tools to make changes to a page. Their "classic" pages still work, but will not be supported in future versions of the software.

I have spent days on getting up the site with still more work to do. It's far from an ideal solution, but it does allow me to create an e-commerce site without recurring monthly fees of services like Wix or square. If you're not a stickler for needing to customize your site, you can be up pretty quickly with a free template.

One other benefit—a high Google ranking. WP must have an extraordinary built-in SEO module because after about a week, my site was not only appearing in keyword searches, but displaying on top of all others!

For just a straightforward site, I will go back to EW in a second. I enjoy the freedom and creative possibilities of app.

Last edit 2 months ago
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