Viewing Add blog image as a link to a webpage

Add blog image as a link to a webpage

User: Wayne C. 2 years ago
When creating a blog entry, there are two issues that I have.
1. When creating a link, I'm allowed to enter a URL, but not the name of a page internal to my website. I know that I can "figure out" a relative URI, but then I have to remember to change it if my pages are rearranged.

2. It seems that I can only link with text, but not an image in the blog. When I try to highlight an image, the 'link' control is disabled.

How can I link an image to an internal page?
User: wellnl 2 years ago
Yes it's confusing! The best thing to do is to click on the image then go to the Hyperlinks Inspector rather than use the blog post toolbar. That should solve both issues.

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