Viewing Audio Controls In everweb Interface - Mute / Volume

Audio Controls In everweb Interface - Mute / Volume

User: Paul C. 2 years ago
Hi ,

I'm always working with sound / audio playback and auto play on my websites , great.

there is no way to MUTE or lower the volume of the EVERWEB app as a whole within EVERWEB menus etc,

Please add mute and volume slider to tool bar .

It really annoying to use with audio like it is , everytime I publish I need to , turn down my amp , then quit , then check my preview , then un mute etc . then mute , then reopen , etc , it gets old fast.

Best Regards.

User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi Duke,

Thank you very much for your suggestion. We have passed it along to our development team, and hopefully this feature will be implemented in one of our future updates.

We are grateful for your desire to make EverWeb better.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Paul-RAGESW 2 years ago
Hi Paul,

It seems you are using a third party widget that is playing sound. Can you please let me know which widget you are using or how you are embedding sound on your website so we can fix this issue?


EverWeb Developer

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