Viewing How do I add bullets in a textbox

How do I add bullets in a textbox

User: Paul H. 2 years ago
Hi All,

I know this should be really simple, but not for me apparently.

How do I create a good-looking bullet list in a textbox?
User: wellnl 2 years ago
Hi Paul

There are a couple of ways you can do this... first you can use Option+8 on your keyboard.
The second option is to use the Styled Text Editor in a widget such as the FlexBox or Text Section widget. You can use numbers or bullet points.
The third option in a blog post is to use the bullet point toolbar option in the blog post editor when creating your post. You get four different types of bullet here and you can also use a variety of numbered points too.

Hope that helps

User: Cornelis V. 2 years ago
Drop the widget "Text Section" in your EW window. The widget 'Details' wil be active on the right. Scroll down to the 'Text Settings' part and do your thing. See attachments below also.
Moet lukken...

Widget Text Section.jpg
Text Settings
Text Settings.jpg

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