Viewing Better margining in blog post editor

Better margining in blog post editor

User: Lance L. 2 years ago
This may be in the v3.7 pipeline already. If not, it should be. I'm referring especially to the insert-video function. It's a very helpful feature, but it lacks any built-in margining, whether user-configurable or default.

I used that function for my most recent post (I don't regularly use videos). The result was a video hard up against the adjacent text. The tech support people gave me a great solution involving CSS code in the site publishing header. But that isn't a full ongoing solution. One would need to be able to be able to set margins according to placement post by post.

Also the CSS code fix is only a partial solution to the problem. In the attached screencap you may notice an odd result with the surrounding text. The text paragraph next to the video has finished up with what amounts to three extra line spaces at the top. I can't place the video anywhere that avoids that kind of effect.

So a fully functional editor needed there.

video frame messing with text paragraphing
User: Courtney H. 2 years ago
Good idea.

MrCourtney - Honolulu, HI
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