Viewing Wordpress import with multiple <img> per page seems to only find one image

Wordpress import with multiple <img> per page seems to only find one image

User: Steven L. 3 years ago
I've got a wordpress WXR extract with multiple image tags. It looks like this.

<img src=""><img src="–385.png">

(The URL's are local resources on the server on which I'm also running the EverWeb import.)

The first image is not included. The second image is included twice. It seems to be sized to match the other image.
User: EverWeb Support 3 years ago
Hi Steven,

Please clarify, are you importing these images via HTML snippet or some other way?

Thank you,

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Steven L. 2 years ago
It’s from a WXR Wordpress export of a site.

(The backup is not from Wordpress but from custom software that creates a WXR Wordpress export file.)

See for a related ticket. Previously, the images were not being imported at all. Now, one image is being imported twice.

Last edit 2 years ago
User: Steve S. 4 months ago
Quote: Steven L. - 02/12/2021 15:20:45
I've got a wordpress WXR extract with multiple image tags. It looks like this.

<img src=""><img src="–385.png">

(The URL's are local resources on the server on which I'm also running the EverWeb import.)

The first image is not included. The second image is included twice. It seems to be sized to match the other image.

Hey, please explain clearly that what exactly are you looking for ??

Last edit 4 months ago

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