Viewing Lost website backup

Lost website backup

User: Tony H. 2 years ago
I had to have my harddrive replaced and i have lost the backup for my website.
is there a way to download it from my website that is active?
or any other way to recover it?
Many Thanks Tony
User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi Tony,

Thank you for reaching us.

I just sent you an instruction on how to locate your project file using Time Machine.

If you have any questions, please create a support ticket with us and we will be happy to assist you.

EverWeb Customer Support
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✔ Best Answer  
User: Tony H. 2 years ago
Benjamin you are an absolute LEGEND!!!! i have found it!!!
I did not restore from my time machine as i wanted a fresh install. But it was there
I can not thank you enough

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