Viewing Unexpected formatting changes

Unexpected formatting changes

User: Stephen M. 2 years ago
After a long period of covid-induced inactivity, I have been trying to update a website recently. The words of the new text show correctly, but the formatting is off. In EW Preview, it shows just as I hoped -- in centered Helvitica in various colors and sizes -- but in browsers (even after emptying caches, etc.), it appears as flush left 12 pt. (I would guess) black Times, with different spacing. I have attempted to retype, reinsert, and/or delete formatting, and uploaded the new files, but with the same results. Is this a known issue and is there a fix for it? Thanks.
User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi Stephen,

Thank you for reaching out.

Please, create a support ticket with us, so that we can investigate the issue and assist you.

It's very hard to tell what exactly is causing the issue without having your website URL and a project file.

Looking forward to your reply.

EverWeb Customer Support
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