Viewing File Page Name to Web title

File Page Name to Web title

User: David W. 3 years ago
Hi All,
We use our web pages as a reference tool for designs and do not want google to index and i have set it up so robots do not follow consequently the web title of the pages have been left blank.

Now with the addition of a search function in 3.5 i get lists of results all starting "No Title" which looks bad. What i want it to show is the File page name, but there is no option to select this and it will mean me going through hundreds of page copying the webpage name into the webtitle box.

Does anyone know of a way to automate the copying the File page name into the webtitle name?

Many thanks

Last edit 3 years ago
User: EverWeb Support 3 years ago
Hi David,

You can add this code to the head/footer code of the pages that you don't want Google to index:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">


If you have the SEO PowerUp add-on you can go to Inspector->Page Settings->Search Engine Optimization and uncheck the 'Include in search engines' checkbox.

As for the web page title, unfortunately, you will need to copy the file name manually. We will see about adding using the file name if the title doesn't exist though.

This can be a time-consuming process, but you will need to do it only once.

Hope that helps

Last edit 3 years ago

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User: Paul-RAGESW 3 years ago
HI David,

Looking at the underlying code it appears there is a bug in 3.5. It should use the page name if there is no title, but it isn't. This will be fixed in EverWeb 3.5.1.

You will have to republish your entire site once the update is available.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

EverWeb Developer

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