Viewing Create an unadorned image gallery

Create an unadorned image gallery

User: Steve L. 2 years ago
I have images, carefully prepared, and with rounded corners. If I use a responsive image gallery in a responsive row in a responsive document I see several issues:

1) number of columns appears to be fixed at 2, no matter what value I choose in the inspector
2) every other image has square corners rather than rounded
3) the slideshow has translucent headers and footers which overlay portions of all the images, which I do not want to see

I'd just want a simple, full screen presentation

If I instead use a non responsive image gallery:

1) I *can* chose the number of image columns to display
2) all images appear with rounded corners
3) I still *cannot* get rid of the top and bottom black

What am I missing? Thanks...
User: Steve L. 2 years ago
I fixed :
#1 by deleting everything and starting fresh :)
#2 caused by images with different sizes and aspect ratios, changing to Style:Contain no longer truncates images

#3 still somewhat problematic, but caused again by different image aspect ratios, I think. If I want to maintain my rounded corners I'll have to redo all 32 images with a black background rather than transparent because the slide show top/bottom borders are black.

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