Viewing Responsive website: can I put text over an image?

Responsive website: can I put text over an image?

User: Jurgen V. 3 years ago
I'd like to have a clickable link on an image, e.g. a photo of a book, and "NOVEL" in a text box on top of the image. I've done this easily in the old websites, but can I do it in responsive mode? Thanks!
User: EverWeb Support 3 years ago
Hi Jurgen,

Thanks for your question.

Let me suggest you a couple of workarounds:

1. You can add a photo of a book with the text on top as one single image and then hyperlink it.

2. Or, you can consider using Text Section Or Flexbox widgets and add a photo and a caption (NOVEL) below. Then you will be able to hyperlink the text separately, but in this case it will not be on top of the image. If it's crucial to have it on top, please choose the 1st option. If not, here are the video tutorials on how to use Text Section and Flexbox widgets:

Best Regards,

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Jurgen V. 3 years ago
Thanks, Alex! The text section widget seems to be getting me the results I want. Thanks for the tutorial links!

Kind regards,

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man tired.
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