Viewing Defeated by Disqus shortnames for Twitter

Defeated by Disqus shortnames for Twitter

User: Mark L. 3 years ago
Can anyone point me in the right direction? ... it's bound to be something stupid that I've done or not done but I can't figure it out.

I have a blog set up on Everweb, and I have successfully added Disqus ( Disqus gives me a Twitter retweet option for the individual blog pages (, and when I click on that it gives me the name of the blog post and a shortname url. But the shortname url doesn't point anywhere. See attached.

So, how do I (a) change the name of the blogpost that is being tweeted by Disqus and (b) how do I get that shortname to work (or change it so that it tweets the longform of the URL). All ideas very gratefully accepted!


User: Mark L. 3 years ago
OK ... a bit of supplementary information here (which will demonstrate my incompetence and/or help someone to point me in the right direction) ...

One of my blog posts has this address:
Put the shortname url from the Disqus Twitter link points to this address:

So, from somewhere Disqus seems to be getting the name of that blog post as New Blog Post 7 and not The Semantics of Covid-19

Is there somewhere in Everweb, where I am supposed to change the name of the blog post so that Disqus picks it up properly?

Many thanks if you've engaged with this, thus far!


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