Viewing Up/Downloading images

Up/Downloading images

User: Paul Sullivan 10 years ago
I have been using this programme 24 hours and am seriously impressed. I am pretty new to all this but have already managed to publish to folder, just waiting for some domain name issues to get sorted and I will have my site up.
I have one question about uploading images in a way that viewers of my site can eaily download them.
When I look at pictures on a web site in safari I can crtl-click on them and I have the option to download.
When I view the web site I have published to my hard drive I cannot do this. I have simply dragged and dropped the images in to my pages. Does this mean that this function will be missing also when I upload my site to the internet?
(I do know I could go through each one creating individual hyperlink between thumbnail on a page and a picture on my hard drive but wondered if there was a quicker way)

Best Wishes

Paul Sullivan
User: Roddy 10 years ago
EasyWeb inserts images as the background of a div rather than using the tag so the images cannot be control clicked or dragged off the page in the usual fashion. Most people who are uptight about visitors stealing their images would be glad about this!

The alternative is to use the tag in an HTML Snippet. More info...

You could always create the image divs as a hyperlink to the actual image file if you wanted visitors to be able to download them.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Paul Sullivan 10 years ago
Thanks so much Roddy thats exactly what I needed to know.
Cool website by the way.


User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
Another way you can do this is with the Image Gallery widget.

EverWeb Developer

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