Viewing Link either images or caption in Gallery

Link either images or caption in Gallery

User: Susan S. 3 years ago
Is it possible to link either the image or the caption below the image in either Gallery in Everweb so it goes to a website? I'm trying to make a gallery of the websites I've made and I would like to add a link so they can go visit the actual website.


User: Courtney H. 3 years ago
Quote: Susan S. - 21/11/2020 15:31:50
Is it possible to link either the image or the caption below the image in either Gallery in Everweb so it goes to a website? I'm trying to make a gallery of the websites I've made and I would like to add a link so they can go visit the actual website.

Susan -

Place a empty text box (with no text) over the image and while still selected, go to the Inspector panel and make it a link. Set the link to your external site. Make sure no link colors are selected and the text box is front of the image.
You're good to go.

MrCourtney - Honolulu, HI
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