Viewing Have backup files, but no project file ? How do I restore?

Have backup files, but no project file ? How do I restore?

User: Janet R. 3 years ago
My Macbook was wiped during repair, I restored complete backup from backblaze. I have many .ewbackup files, but cannot find any project file. The website is still visible on the web.
How can I get back to using everweb to update this site, with or without one of these backup files?
User: EverWeb Support 3 years ago
Hi Janet,

Thank you for reaching us!

You can restore your project file by double-clicking the .ewbackup file and it will appear in your projects window.
If you don't have the backup file, you will need to recreate the website from scratch.

We also offer recreation services and will be able to recreate your website from online.

Please, create a support ticket with us if you have any issues with restoring your project file from backup.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Janet R. 3 years ago
Wow! Thanks! I thought I had tried that and failed.
fter reading your post and trying again I realized Macos was only suggesting 'recommended apps' to open the backup file - and it wasn't allowing me to select Everweb. I changed that to select from among "all apps" which allowed me to select everweb and - Presto! - my website was open in Everweb.
Thank You Very Much!

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