Viewing How to have a 2nd or even more tier menu?

How to have a 2nd or even more tier menu?

User: Laurence C. 3 years ago
The menu only shows a single drop down. I have added a sub-folder with pages under that, and although the sub-folder shows in the dropdown menu, the sub-pages do not show.

So I would like a menu like this for example:

-- Sub-page 1
-- Sub-Folder
---- Sub-sub-page 1
---- Sub-sub-page 2

Last edit 3 years ago
User: EverWeb Support 3 years ago
Hi Laurence,

At this point, it's impossible to create a multilayered navigation menu using the EverWeb inbuilt features.

What you might want to try is to find a ready third-party HTML/CSS code and embed it to your page using the HTML Snippet widget.

If you have further questions on how you can implement this, you can always contact our Support Team to receive further assistance.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Laurence C. 3 years ago
Thanks but I cant find anything on Google

I would like menu items to auto add into it like the current menu does, and not manually build it in HTML, and the website managed wont know HTML anyway.

What about cresating my own widget, I see 3rd party widgets out there, so copy the default one and edit it to output a 3rd level?
User: Roddy 3 years ago
A navigation with dropdown menus is bad enough for visitor click through and one with more than two levels is downright confusing!

I did a test project a while back for an EverWeb user who has a large site. It shows how to create the structure and keep the navigation clear and simple.

Last edit 3 years ago


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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