Viewing Which gallery is this?

Which gallery is this?

User: Susan S. 3 years ago
Is there an easy way to tell which gallery I used in this website. A friend likes it and I can't recall which I used.

Here is the URL:

Thank you!

User: EverWeb Support 3 years ago
Hi Susan,

Thank you for reaching out!

This looks like a regular Image Gallery.

Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Courtney H. 3 years ago
I like the paintings!

MrCourtney - Honolulu, HI
Mac Studio - dial monitors; iMac 27 5K - Dual Monitors - 10 TB hub
Alienware: Area 51 - 24 gb - Dual Monitors - All SSD
25 TB network storage

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