Viewing Vertical Video

Vertical Video

User: Cornela W. 4 years ago
Hi, I would like to embed a vertical mp4-video (1080x1350).
With all video widgets I have always the ”landscape” window.
Is there the possibility to embed it in the right format.
Thank you!
User: EverWeb Support 4 years ago
Hi Cornela,

Thank you for posting. You can add a vertical video through YouTube and then use EverWeb YouTube video or HTML Snippet to add to your website.

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User: Cornela W. 4 years ago
Okay, thank you.... I thought there would be an easier way....
User: Roddy 4 years ago
There are a number of widgets that will alolow you to change the aspect ratio of the video stage by entering the video file's width and height. Example.

If you are inserting a video on a responsive page you should use a player that will give visitors a choice of file size/quality like THIS player.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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