Viewing Responsive image gallery help

Responsive image gallery help

User: Susan S. 4 years ago
This is the first time I've used this so I'm still trying to figure out all the options. I have an artist client that wants to use this but, I could have sworn in our test a couple of months ago the gallery didn't work like it is now.

First, her website isn't responsive but I'm using the responsive gallery. I hope I can do that because she doesn't like the looks of the other "non" responsive gallery.

So she has an odd number of images and wants thumbnails. What I'm getting is thumbnails for most of the images (4 across) but the odd 2 are huge, they are not thumbnails. Neither of us likes that look - with a bunch of rows of small images and the last two being huge. Other than delete 2 images or add two please tell me there is a way to fix this? I actually want thumbnails for people to see but not all thumbnails and 2 huge images. It looks like I made some sort of mistake!

I've added an image from my Everweb screen, it isn't on the internet yet because she won't let me upload it when it looks so silly. You can see 2 rows of 4 images and the last two are clearly not thumbnail images or even near the same size as the others.


User: EverWeb Support 4 years ago
Hi Susan,

Thanks for reaching out.

You can use the responsive image gallery even on non-responsive pages, without any problems. However, the way it places the images within the widget depends on the number of images only, so you're right the only options here would be either to delete those 2 images or add 2 more.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

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