Viewing Headings in text, and padding in content area

Headings in text, and padding in content area

User: Laurence C. 4 years ago
I am trying EverWeb at the request of a customer but before I proceed further please can someone let me know how to overcome the following issues:

1) Cannot seem to add headings (H1, H2 etc) inside the text block. It seems I have to add in a heading block for headings. This is not good. If you have lots of headings on a page between paragraphs you have to keep adding in a heading block, text block, heading block, text block etc so it takes a lot longer to build, and you cant just copy and paste content from one page to EverWeb but break it up into blocks.

Is there a way to have a headings button in the text editor like all other editors, maybe an addon?

2) I cant seem to define the padding of the main content area in my Master template., I can only see how to do it on a per row/block basis. So by that I mean when I add a text block and make it 100% wide the text goes right to the edge of the screen left and right. So I add in say a 50px padding so there is space left and right. When I add a new text or heading widget for example, the padding is not there and I have to add it in, per widget. So every new block needs styling to make the text fit. This is terrible practice so what needs to happen is the main content container in the Master template has the padding, so when I add in content widgets on a page it automatically has it all there. I am trying to build the site so my customer only needs to manage content and does not have to mess with design settings at all.

Anyone know how to do this I cant see an option for it.

User: Roddy 4 years ago
The easiest way is to use widgets. For example, the Responsive Text Module which is in the Responsive Elements widget pack uses an HTML5 <article> element with a heading, text and optional links and has its own controls for padding, border, box shadow and spacing from the browser/device screen edges and from the items above and below.

EverWeb Widgets are divided into three categories - fixed wdith, responsive width and CSS grid layout.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Laurence C. 4 years ago
Hi Roddy. Thanks, but I am using a responsive text module.

My question is how to set the main content area padding in the master template? OR, insert one main responsive row in the master template, so then on each page when I insert modules I dont have to mess with their padding.

And then how to add headings, H1, H2, etc within the text editor.

User: Roddy 4 years ago
The responsive widgets do NOT go in a responsive row. They have their own controls for wrapper padding.

The text module is an HTML5 article element. The first heading in an HTML5 container is always an h1. If you need to create a new section don't use an h2 heading - just add another widget.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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