Viewing Logo in navigation bar?

Logo in navigation bar?

User: Tegan B. 4 years ago
Is there not a way to put a logo or image in the navigation bar?
User: EverWeb Support 4 years ago
Hi Tegan,

Thank you for reaching us!

You can place your logo or image next to the Navigation Menu and it will work fine.
If you are using responsive layout, add Image and Navigation Menu to the Responsive Row widget and set both to full width. Then adjust the maximum width as you need, so that Logo is next to the Navigation Menu.

Let me know if any questions arise.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Tegan B. 4 years ago
So I "think" I figured it out. I did as you said and put both logo and nav bar in a responsive row. Only thing is that when I made the logo full-width it did not contain proportions, even if I set the max width. I did not do full-width and just had it next to the nav bar as a regular object, constrained proportions. Made it smaller. That seemed to work. Just wanting to check to see if I missed something, or if I am okay like this? Will it cause problems on other devices?
User: Ryan M. 4 years ago
I am having an issue trying these steps.

I can set both logo and navigation bar to full width and adjust the maximum width to get them next to each other - however now as the windows size changes the navigation bar doesn't fill the screen so I'm left with blank sections at the edges. (my navigation menu has a colour fill).

How can I make this work?


Last edit 4 years ago
User: Ryan M. 4 years ago
Here's a pic to show you what happens. I have tried setting responsive row background to the same colour but gaps still show.

If I make the max width of the nav menu really wide then there's no gaps, however the logo is then pushed far away from the nav menu (acts like large spacing between them).

Hoping there is a solution :)


Issue-logo next to manu, rezise shows gaps.jpeg
User: Ryan M. 4 years ago
To avoid confusion here's the logo next the nav menu at a wider width, looking how I want it. Gaps appear as logo moves on top of nav menu.
User: Ryan M. 4 years ago
a a a
User: Tegan B. 4 years ago
Ryan, you're doing better than I, cuz when I make my logo full-width it gets all stretched out of shape.

So, it looks as though you're using a header from Third party?

Anyway, did you set the fill color in the responsive row itself? You'll wanna do that, and match it to the backfill color of the nav bar.
User: Ryan M. 4 years ago
Best I've got so far:

I'm using the built in nav menu inserted into a responsive row. Formatted the background colour of the responsive row if applicable. Format background colour in nav menu settings if applicable.

Set Nav menu full width, set max width e.g. 800/900.

Insert pic/logo into responsive row. Set it's image fill as 'scale to fit'. Now manually drag the pic/logo to the size you want - make a note of the width & height. Now click 'full width' and set the max width as the width you made a note of.

Hope that helps.

Last edit 4 years ago

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