Viewing Darken image with overlays?

Darken image with overlays?

User: Tegan B. 4 years ago
Is it possible to darken an image on a page using an overlay color? Like put a screen over the picture and then adjust the opacity of the screen?
User: EverWeb Support 4 years ago
Hi Tegan,

You can add a Shadow to the Image and this will darken it. As for opacity, you can adjust it under Inspector Tab - > Shape Options.

Let me know if any questions arise.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Paul-RAGESW 4 years ago
Hi Tegan,

If you want to place a color overlay over an image and you are using a non-responsive page layout you can easily do that by placing a shape with a fill color and then adjusting the fill color's opacity setting.

Otherwise, this feature is coming in either EverWeb 3.4 or 3.5.

EverWeb Developer
User: Tegan B. 4 years ago
I'm confused about the shadow thing. that does not darken the image but puts a shadow behind the image. Please clarify.

Yes, I thought of that workaround with the non-responsive layout. Good to hear this is coming.

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