Viewing How do a collapse/expand text like this (video dropbox link enclosed)

How do a collapse/expand text like this (video dropbox link enclosed)

User: Richard M. 4 years ago
Hi all

Any idea how can do a collapse/expand text when I click on a small ICON ? is there is a widget ?

See the video enclosed

Thanks by advance

User: Richard M. 4 years ago
The best I search is this dropboxlink :

Last edit 4 years ago
User: Richard M. 4 years ago
The best I search is this dropboxlink :

Last edit 4 years ago
User: Roddy 4 years ago
You can use a Q&A or a FAQ widget.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Richard M. 4 years ago
Hi Roddy and thanks for your reply, I bought all your ACCORDION widget but there is too many bugs in EW :( and I must to use a responsive page, but my web site is FIXE !!!


User: Paul-RAGESW 4 years ago
I bought all your ACCORDION widget but there is too many bugs in EW :( and I must to use a responsive page, but my web site is FIXE

What bugs have you discovered? We will fix any issue ASAP for you.

You do not need to use Responsive Pages if you do not want to.

EverWeb Developer
User: Richard M. 4 years ago
Hi Paul,

In fact My entire website is not RESPONSIBLE (too hard and not versatile for me) and I would want to use the ACCORDION Widget, this is exactly what I need, but all the ACCORDION widgets are in only responsive :(

About the Bug If you see the video enclosed via Dropbox link the bug are in the What I see in EW when I work and What I get when I use SIMULATION with SAFARI, this is not really grave but very destabilizing for a beginner like me.

My website seems to be not responsible compatible, I have a special page setup.

Thanks again Paul for your precious help, I think I will change my Collapse/Expand Text by other solution, what a pity because I like this king of menu.

Best Paul
User: Paul-RAGESW 4 years ago
Hi Richard,

I saw your video in the other thread. I responded with some help guides for you.

Roddy should be able to confirm for sure, but the Accordion widgets he provides should be able to be used on ANY website.

About the Bug If you see the video enclosed via Dropbox link the bug are in the What I see in EW when I work and What I get when I use SIMULATION with SAFARI, this is not really grave but very destabilizing for a beginner like me.

I think you just need to watch the video I posted in the other thread so you can see how it works. That should help you I think.

Last edit 4 years ago

EverWeb Developer
✔ Best Answer  
User: Richard M. 4 years ago
Hi Paul,

Sorry I didn't see this video !! I am on Holidays and my connection is bad...

Where is this video ?

About the ACCORDION Widget, ONLY responsible page !! Roddy confirmed me, what a pity...

Thanks Paul and very sorry about the trouble.
User: Richard M. 4 years ago
Oh it's ok I have the video !!

Very sorry Paul.

User: Paul-RAGESW 4 years ago
About the ACCORDION Widget, ONLY responsible page !! Roddy confirmed me, what a pity...

All widgets should work on any type of website. It should just be a matter of turning off the full width option for the widget. However, I contacted Roddy privately to see if there was a specific reason it couldn't work on a fixed width page.

I think there are accordion style widgets on

EverWeb Developer
User: Richard M. 4 years ago
Hi Paul,

I also contacted Roddy and he told me this "The accordions need to be on a responsive page so that they stack and move together."

What a pity..

I will search another widget for not responsive page.

Have a god day Paul.

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