Viewing External file for iframe source

External file for iframe source

User: Victor E. 4 years ago
I have an HTML block which only contains an <iframe> statement.

Can I add the html file that's referenced in there to my assets? How do I reference its path?

Right now I've put the htm file myself on the server with an ftp program but that's a little roundabout.
User: Victor E. 4 years ago
I've progressed a little. I can drag the htm file to "external files" and get the ASSET_PATH path. However, the html file, the way it comes out of MS Excel, needs a folder with some htm & css support stuff, and I can not add a folder to the external files.
User: EverWeb Support 4 years ago
Hi Victor,

Thanks for reaching out. You're right - you can put the files to External file section and get the path from there, but you can't drag the whole folder there. You still can create the folder already in the External files, but in this case you still can only get the path of the files separately.

However, you might want to raise a Support ticket and describe what exactly would you like to achieve and maybe we will come up with an alternative.

Have a nice day!


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User: Roddy 4 years ago
If you have assets in a folder you need to do as you have done - upload it to your server and reference it in an iframe code with a relative or absolute file path.

If your site is responsive it's better to use an iFrame that will work on mobile devices.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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