Viewing Azure Web App - Error on Dashboard “Azure Web App Service Memory Exhausted”

Azure Web App - Error on Dashboard “Azure Web App Service Memory Exhausted”

User: Joseph F. 4 years ago
Hi guy,

I have created New Azure Web App Service, with "S2" service plan, and associated this with new Resource Group. I have not yet assigned / deployed any application to this Web App service.

As soon the web app service is created, it starts showing up "Web App Service Memory Exhausted".

And to the surprise, after deleting the web app service, the resource group and service plan, if I create the same web app service, it works fine.

I could not get the reason for this memory usage and error title in azure.

Thank you
User: EverWeb Support 4 years ago
Hi Joseph,

Thank you for contacting us!

Is EverWeb incorporated to your Azure infrastructure anyhow?

I would need to ask you to open a support ticket (click on the link below this message), so we can assist you effectively. I might have understood you in the wrong way.

It looks like S2 service plan you mentioned is not the part of EverWeb services. The opened support ticket would enable us for information, which is not recommended disclosing in a forum post.

Thank you in advance! We look forward to hearing back from you.

Kind Regards,

EverWeb Customer Support
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