Viewing How to replicate nav bar

How to replicate nav bar

User: Trevor R. 4 years ago
After creating the main pages nav bar, how do I then make it the same for all pages> Is there a way to apply that or do I have to go in and make each page the same manually?
User: EverWeb Support 4 years ago
Hi Trevor,

Thank you for reaching us!

You can add Navigation Menu to the Master Page and then apply it to all pages on your website.
Here's our video tutorial on how to use Master Pages in EverWeb:

Let me know if any questions arise.

Best Regards,
EverWeb Support Team

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User: Trevor R. 4 years ago
Awesome. Thank you....... I was freakin out when i lost iWeb, but I'm LOVING this so far.
User: Trevor R. 4 years ago
Actually yes, one more question, I get how that is set up from a blank....... If I've already set up a home page and want that as the master page, can I make it such or do I have to start again from scratch? Thanks

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