Viewing side menu with directory and drop down

side menu with directory and drop down

User: Susan S. 4 years ago
My client likes the side menu. Now she wants to have 2 different galleries, the main one and one for paintings of flowers. So I thought I’d use a directory.

However, when I set that up with a side menu, when you put the mouse on the word Galleries (the name of the directory) it drops down over the menu items under it. Is there any way to make it, instead of drop-down, to go sideways? The only image I have is how it currently looks but imagine that when you put the mouse on the word Gallery, it drops down and covers the menu item Testimonials.

If not then I've made a second choice image attached, but she wants the word Galleries in it somehow in bold (but it won't click to anything) and the 2 different galleries below it and indented. So it looks more like image called menu 3. Can that be done?

Many thanks,


Edited I can't add my images not sure why. UGH.

Last edit 4 years ago
User: Susan S. 4 years ago
Ok there is something wrong here I added 3 different attachments and it added one 3 times. So Now I've deleted them and can't put the other two up.

Last edit 4 years ago

menu 3.png

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