Viewing How do I format the gallery Widget popup

How do I format the gallery Widget popup

User: Nelson J. 4 years ago
On clicking the image we get a popup with a bright white border and the caption above on the left.
Ok I'd like to change the border color and set the caption to the left of the lightbox. Is there any way to edit the CSS? The rest of the widget is elegant but the lightbox is not so great.

Alternatively I'd just like the image with no border on a gray background.

User: EverWeb Support 4 years ago
Hi Nelson!

There is indeed a way to manipulate CSS objects.
Select the needed object and go to Inspector Tab - > Shape Options - > Advanced - > CSS
You may pick a custom class name of the object there.

Next, you may refer this class in CSS code. There are 4 ways to edit CSS code in EverWeb. First three methods require surrounding CSS code with <style></style> tags.
1. You may place HTML snippet and type in your CSS code there.
2. You may place page-wide CSS code in Inspector > Page settings > Header code
3. You may alternatively place site-wide CSS code in File > Edit publishing settings > Header code (not recommended for this user case)
4. You may upload a separate stylesheet to assets, control+click it and select "Relative URL" to get the link, and refer this stylesheet in the header code, just like you refer stylesheets in HTML code: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css">
Replace theme,css with the relative URL you've previously copied from assets.

You might wonder how to determine exact parameters you may change with CSS. For this purpose, check your page's source code for Image Gallery object, it should have all the necessary parameters for pop-up as well.

If you have further questions, could you please submit a support ticket?
Direct link:
I'll take it from there and will do my best to help you!


Last edit 4 years ago

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User: Elona S. 4 years ago

Same here. When you click the image the gallery slideshow popups and there is a grey border in top and bottom ? How come there is no way to remove that just with some simple settings in the Inspector ? Like add ot remove slideshow image border. Something like that.
I don't like any borders on my photos please.

User: Elona S. 4 years ago
Ups, my mistake. Made a double

Last edit 4 years ago
User: Nelson J. 4 years ago
I would like my images to appear with minimal distraction. Certainly not text over the image. Sometimes a border might be nice but it should be removable and editable. Perhaps a faint watermark or a watermark, and caption each with editable position and formatting. MOst of us use Lightroom which I believe stores title and caption info the metadata which could be available as options individual text boxes which are floating and formattable. Of course adding an email link for those wishing to contact the photographer for purchase or questions.
There probably is a way to code the HTML Snippet to display an Iframe of a Lightroom web gallery page but then we would be limited to the minimal metadata Lightroom can display. This would be useful because we could have a discreet menu bar at the top of the page.
User: Elona S. 4 years ago
Right now there is no way to remove the top/bottom borders on the imagegalley slideshow popup :(
Some of my photos are closeups so part of the face is under the top and bottom borders. Not nice.

Look here. You can see the borders

Last edit 4 years ago
User: Nelson J. 4 years ago
Do you know where they store images, on my MAC computer, for the assets panel? Then for the final HTML files?
User: Roddy 4 years ago
If you need an image gallery that is designed to perform well on a responsive website, check out the PhotoKit 2 Image Galleries


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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