Viewing Responsive Hamburger menu on mobile site.

Responsive Hamburger menu on mobile site.

User: Susan S. 4 years ago
I have a responsive menu on the regular and mobile site. So it goes to hamburger when it's on a phone.

When setting the options for the nav menu on the left (after I click the settings gear). Down under the "Responsive Options" there is a checkbox that says "Stick to Top of Page."

I unchecked that box and I made the assumption that on a longer page, the hamburger menu would float, so if I was near the bottom of the page, the hamburger would be there - that I wouldn't have to scroll all the way up to the top to go to another page. But it's not working that way, it's still stuck at the top. Does it ever float?

The mobile site is here:


options checked.png
User: Paul-RAGESW 4 years ago
Hi Susan,

That option will always draw the hamburger menu at the top of the page (the very top, not the scrolling top) no matter where the navigation menu object is placed within EverWeb.

What you want to try is setting the navigation menu to Fixed Position from the Inspector->Metrics tab.

Let me know how it goes.

EverWeb Developer

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