Viewing Export Text as Image in Resp Design

Export Text as Image in Resp Design

User: Markus K. 5 years ago
In the "old" Version I yould use a textfield and "export text as image" to protect my email adress. In the new responsive design text widgets I dont find this option. How do I do it now? When I use an Responsive Row and insert a (oldstyle) textbox it sticks to the left too much. I cant fix it to the max-width value.
The Resp.Text Module does not give that option. Is seems logical, since the text should be reformated by the browser. But how th protect the email now?
Thank you! Markus
User: EverWeb Support 5 years ago
Hi Markus!

In a responsive design, it's possible to export text as image.
You may place either a textbox, or a textbox inside a responsive row. Select it then and go to Inspector > Text. See screenshot:

If you have further questions, could you please submit a support ticket? Log in to the Client area and click the blue button "Open New Ticket" on the Welcome page. Direct link:
I'll take it from there and will do my best to help you!


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