Viewing Publish to multiple EverWeb accounts?

Publish to multiple EverWeb accounts?

User: Dan S. 5 years ago
I have a website for my company built in EverWeb and published to an EverWeb hosting account.

I am going to be building a website for our local food bank in EverWeb and they will have their own EverWeb hosting account to publish to.

Is it possible for me to have EverWeb signed into each account and specify in the Site Publishing Settings which account to publish to? Or am I going to need to sign out of one account and sign back into the other in order to publish each site? If keeping multiple accounts signed in and easily switching between them isn't a feature, it should be!

I thought about creating a new user account on my Mac and using it just for the food bank website work, but this will introduce unnecessary kinks into my work flow.

Thanks in advance!
User: EverWeb Support 5 years ago
Hi Dan,

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to have two different accounts at once in EverWeb.
You can create a new user on your Mac and use it for the second EverWeb account.

I will escalate your feature request to our developers and for now you can use different Mac user accounts.

Let me know if any questions arise.

Best Regards,
EverWeb Support Team

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