Viewing EW3 Responsive Image Gallery Max Content Width 1000

EW3 Responsive Image Gallery Max Content Width 1000

User: Cornelis V. 5 years ago
I'm testing EverWeb version 3.0.0b Build: 2247

The Responsive Image Gallery of EW 3.0b has a welcome addition: The 'Max Content With field' in the top of the dialog (see attached image)

BUT the field is filled in with the number 1000 by default!

The problem is that all of my previous responsive image galleries are now hard set to this default value regardless as soon as they are opened in EW3. Now I have to revisit all of my 'old' galleries and remove the value 1000 as the majority of them were set to full page width prior to using EW3.

I do like the 'Max Content Width' addition but the field should have been left empty by default for a seamless switch to EW3.

Last edit 5 years ago

User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Hi Cornelis,

You're right, this shouldn't be set to 1000 by default.

We are going to change this so it doesn't effect current sites using this widget.

Thank you for the feedback!

EverWeb Developer
User: Cornelis V. 5 years ago
Same story for the 'Text Section Widget' ...

User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Thanks Cornelis, this has been changed as well.

EverWeb Developer

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