Viewing EverWeb 3.0 Public BETA. Come See What's New!

EverWeb 3.0 Public BETA. Come See What's New!

User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
We're thrilled to announce the first public beta of EverWeb 3.0!

A beta means that EverWeb is still in testing and we don't recommend you use it on your main projects, or you only use it on backups. We have done a lot of testing and we wanted to let you guys test it and let us know what you think!

So what's new in EverWeb 3.0? LOTS!!!

We've already written about some of the new features on our blog, but here are the major new features;

[NEW] All New Contact Forms with File Uploads, Form Submission management with searching, sorting and exporting form submissions. It also adds SPAM Protection, new styling options and new Form Controls.

Read more about the New Contact Forms.

[NEW] Asset Management: You can now sort your assets - images, PDFS, external files - into directories and sub directories keeping all your files within EverWeb organized

Read About Asset Organization

[NEW] Significant speed optimizations, especially for responsive websites with many full width widgets. Publishing is also faster and overall speed of EverWeb has been optimized.

[NEW] macOS Catalina support. macOS Catalina is still in beta so things may change with it.

[NEW] New blog improvements including Full Width Hero images for blog posts and paginations for Blog Archive pages.

[NEW] FlexBox, Responsive Row and TextBox Widget improvements with new padding settings and full width customization options

[NEW] All widgets can use the Background Fill options from Inspector-> Shape Options-> Fill settings allowing many more design options for all widgets. You can set background fill colors, gradients, and images just like any other shape

[NEW] PayPal Widget 'Buy Now' buttons now have a styled background option allowing you to easily create nice looking buttons with mouse over transitions that work nicely with your website design

[NEW] All widgets with a Styled Text Editor have the ability to open up in a new window so that adding and editing text is much easier.

[NEW] Check for New Templates under the EverWeb menu has been completely redesigned. You can now see all new widgets, download only the ones you want and quickly see a preview of each one.

Lots of bug fixes are also included in this update;

[FIX] Fixed an error when downloading Free Stock Photos

[FIX] Width/height indicator for image masking appears again

[FIX] Adding images to the image gallery widget via drag and drop updates the Assets list properly

[FIX] Long Blog Archive list doesn’t disappear within EverWeb when scrolling

[FIX] Background images for Browser background on mobile are not zoomed in

[FIX] Object hyperlink indicator shows properly when an object is hyperlinked and this option is enabled in the preferences

[FIX] Styled Text Editor for widgets shows the proper text size for selected text

[FIX] Text Object now works properly when using command+arrows keys

[FIX] Gradients set to 90 degrees now work properly on Master Pages

[FIX] Image Gallery widget no longer has the # as the default link which would prevent the SlideShow from appearing

[FIX] Mouse hover link settings are applied properly to blog archive

[FIX] Text on web pages are exported properly when using styled text options for the first word in a paragraph. Previously the entire text object would be exported with the same styling option as the first word in a paragraph even though it looked different in EverWeb

Download EverWeb 3.0 Public Beta for Mac OS X 10.10 - macOS Catalina 10.15

Let us know what you think, we'd love to hear your feedback so we can help you create the BEST websites as easily as possible.

Last edit 4 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: Cornelis V. 5 years ago
Last week my third party hosting provider upgraded their email-platform for better email spoofing counter measures. One of the upgrade downsides was that my contact forms stopped working completely. Their advice was ditching the 'out of date' EW forms and start using PHPMailer.
Luckily EW 3.0beta was made available shortly after and due to its greater compatibility with third party web hosting providers my favourite EW contact forms are up and running again! Thanks Paul.
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Great to hear it's working better for you.

By the way EverWeb does the same thing as PHPMailer. Version 3.0 of EverWeb just fixes issues with newer versions of PHP and newer additions that your host may have updated to.

EverWeb Developer
User: Steve 5 years ago
Do you have instructions on the best way to uninstall this Beta without messing with 2.9?


MacBook Pro 15in Retina 10.14.6
Nevada, U.S.A
Apple since OS 7.1 LE II (pizza box)
User: Rainer S. 5 years ago
Quote: Steve - 17/08/2019 15:39:33
Do you have instructions on the best way to uninstall this Beta without messing with 2.9?

My question before I tryout 3.0 - did you have any difficulties, any bugs? Or why do you want to go backwards? :)
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Do you have instructions on the best way to uninstall this Beta without messing with 2.9?

To uninstall, just drag the EverWeb 3.0 version to the trash. There are no special uninstall instructions.

As long as you don't use existing projects in EverWeb 3.0, it does not in any way affect any previous version of EverWeb.

My question before I tryout 3.0 - did you have any difficulties, any bugs? Or why do you want to go backwards? :)

I cannot speak for Steven, but you can use both versions at the same time. My suggestion in the first post here is to work on duplicates or backups of existing projects

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Do you have instructions on the best way to uninstall this Beta without messing with 2.9?

To uninstall, just drag the EverWeb 3.0 version to the trash. There are no special uninstall instructions.

As long as you don't use existing projects in EverWeb 3.0, it does not in any way affect any previous version of EverWeb.

My question before I tryout 3.0 - did you have any difficulties, any bugs? Or why do you want to go backwards? :)

I cannot speak for Steven, but you can use both versions at the same time. My suggestion in the first post here is to work on duplicates or backups of existing projects

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Hi All,

We will be releasing the second Public Beta of EverWeb 3.0 soon. In the meantime you might want to take advantage of the all new Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on Discount we are offering while EverWeb 3.0 is Public Beta.

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
A new beta version is available at the link at the top of this page. It fixes a few crashes with certain widgets and fixes problems with the FlexBox Widget.

It also improves overall stability.

EverWeb Developer

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