Viewing EverWeb & macOS Catalina

EverWeb & macOS Catalina

User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
UPDATE: EverWeb 3.0 and later is fully compatible with macOS Catalina. EverWeb 3.1 improves support for macOS Catalina.

We know you must be as excited for macOS Catalina as we are!

I wanted to update all of our users on EverWeb & macOS Catalina because Apple has introduced some security changes that we are currently working to integrate properly in EverWeb. Since Catalina is currently in beta, Apple does not recommend you use it on your main, production computer.

EverWeb will be 100%, fully compatible with macOS Catalina before it is officially released.

EverWeb 2.9.1, which was released before Catalina was announced, will not work on the current beta of Catalina. This is due to the security and underlying file system changes in macOS Catalina.

EverWeb 3.0, which we also hope to have released in a few weeks, will be compatible with macOS Catalina.

We will release a version of EverWeb that its 100%, fully compatible with macOS Catalina well before it is released.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Last edit 4 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: ARTHUR P. 4 years ago
Mac is now shipping imacs and mackbook pro's with catalina installed, and says that catalina cannot be downgraded to any previous os. Will my everweb 3.06 work on one of these new machines?
User: Paul-RAGESW 4 years ago
EverWeb 3.0 is fully compatible with Catalina.

EverWeb Developer

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