Viewing Metadata and keywords for search engines

Metadata and keywords for search engines

User: Jean-Pierre A. 4 years ago
Hi there,
Coming from Dreamweaver, I am not certain where to insert the keywords for search engines on my page(s). Is it in the page description or should I insert HTML coding in the Header section?

Thanks to anyone who can help.
User: Paul-RAGESW 4 years ago
Hi Jean-Pierre,

Meta keyword tags are basically ignored by all search engines.

However, if you would like to enter them you can go to the Inspector -> Page Settings tab and scroll to the bottom. In the header field you can enter the meta tag code like this for each page;

<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3">

EverWeb Developer
User: Roddy 4 years ago
The main keywords should be entered into the Web Page Title box in the Page inspector and the h2 heading with the page name.

If you are using the default EverWeb items for inserting text and images, you should use the Heading Tags widget to insert h1 through h6 headings before the text and keywords into the image's alt text box.
Your page code will be HTML4 so the headings create the hierarchy. Use h1 for the website name, h2 for the page name, h3 for sections, h4 for paragraphs and so on. The most important keywords are in the higher level headings with the least important in the text.

If you are using EverWeb Widgets, the items will be inserted in HTML5 containers which give much better results. The first heading in an HTML5 container is always an h1. Outside of the containers, all you may need is a heading for the page name.

HTML5 containers group related content and the search engines recognise this. A example would be an image.
If you insert an image with alt text and a caption in a text box, the search engines have no way of knowing that the text relates to the image.
If you insert the image in an HTML5 figure element, the caption text is inserted in the figcaption element inside it and the search engines know that the keywords in the caption are related to the image.

For best results, items like video and slideshows should also use HTML5 containers that have a heading and text to insert a title and description of the media content.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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