Viewing Best practice WEB Folder

Best practice WEB Folder

User: Tim B. 5 years ago
Dear Community,

how can I access my EW Folder that is used for my website.
I would need to backup and use it on a different server.

How would auto compare of the Everweb account be involved regarding a necessary complete new upload. As I plan to have a site containing several GB these points get important...

User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
Hi Tim,

If you need to use the EW website you built on a different server you can just publish to that new server by editing your publishing settings from the File menu->Edit Publishing Settings.

Enter the new details of that server there and publish.

How would auto compare of the Everweb account be involved regarding a necessary complete new upload.

Can you clarify what you mean by "auto compare"

EverWeb Developer

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